Concept test - Patischool

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Concept test for a new range of creative activities


  • The company Epoch is in the process of developping a new brand called Whipple, into the segment of artistic activities.
    The company needs to carry out a concept test to check how attractive the toy is to the target group (girls aged from 7-9 years old) and to choose which avenues to take to optimise the development for R&D.


Phase 1 : Étude quantitative réalisée via un questionnaire sur Internet

Quantitative survey conducted via a questionnaire on the Internet to measure the performance indicators such as the attractivity of the concept, the desirability and the purchase intention in a representative and generalisable way. This survey will also show the Research and Devloppement team which avenues to take to optimise the toy.

Échantillon : Sample : 900 girls aged from 7 to 9 years old with a parent from 3 countries : France (300), UK (300), Spain (300)

Phase 2 : Qualitative study

Conducted in the form of a focus group to check the playability, appeal, whether the concept has been understood and the if the girls are able to create the delicacies.


Sample : 8 girls aged 7 to 9 years old and a parent

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SAS QUANTITUDE : 18 Avenue de Chambéry, 73190 Challes Les Eaux – Contact : Cécile Albrieux – Tél : 06 80 33 56 34